Online Admission Courses Registration
Made Simple
Automate your entire admission and registration process. Create and publish your application forms, receive payments and make admission decisions online. Notify applicants of changes to their status.

Receive Applications Online
Reduce the cost it takes to process applications by receiving applications online, instantly via mobile phone, laptop, PC
Eliminate Volumes of Paper
Eliminate volumes of paper applications and generate instant reports, financial and application reports
Automate Enrollment Processe
Automate your entire enrollment process
SAFApply saves you all that extra costs
Spend no money on manual entries, invoicing, communication, compilations and printing

Maximize Resources
Spend fewer hours sorting through applications while maximizing your resources
Eliminate Too Much Application Files
Say goodbye to dealing with thousands of application files
Receive Application Documents Online
Receive your required application documents online and let SAFApply help you pre-screen and prioritize candidates based on your set criteria and filters.

Control Your Revenue
Be in control of your revenue from registration fees
Track Every Penny
Track every penny coming in and generate accurate financial reports instantly
Online Payment Option
Provide fast, secure, and convenient online payment options for your applicants
Access to Payment Gateway
Have access to multiple payment gateways for ease and convenience

Avoid Error
Avoid all the errors and inconsistencies in manually collating applicant’s information
Generate Report
Generate comprehensive and accurate summaries and reports.
Errors Reeks Inefficiency
Errors can be embarrassing, it reeks of inefficiency in the system. With SAFApply, the days of manual errors are over

Who is SAFApply for?

Made for Tertiary Institutions
Our solution is already available and in use at the tertiary education level.

Made for Elementary and High Schools
Our solution is already available and in use for Elementary and High Schools

Made for Businesses and Organizations
Our solution is already available and in use for Businesses and Organizations
SAFApply Features
Centralized Applicants management
SAFApply will streamline the entire application process and collate all related information in one place
SAFApply will streamline the entire application process and collate all related information in one place
Secure Online
Fees Payment
Applicants can pay for application fees online, quickly, and securely with no hassle!
Keep applications informed of every step of the applications via SMS, email, and in-app notification
Dynamic Forms
Let candidates appreciate filling online applications with dynamic forms
Batch Processing
Process multiple applications for each stage of the application process

Get Started
Clarity gives you the blocks & components you need to create a truly professional website, landing page or admin panel for your SaaS.